Nursing Home Negligence

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Reno’s Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Nursing home negligence or mistreatment of the elderly by caretakers is a serious and often under-reported issue. Abusive behavior by nursing home staff or caretakers and can lead to high levels of mistrust by the victim and may result in permanent physical or mental damage. Nursing home abuse also includes neglect which can lead to things such as wandering, bed sores, rashes and any number of other equally damaging outcomes.

Negligence doesn’t have to always be physical or leave a visible mark. Verbal abuse or mistreatment by care workers or nursing home staff can have just as large of an effect as physical abuse. The emotional damage caused by verbal abuse can be difficult to quantify, but it is just as serious.

If your loved one has been abused or neglected in a nursing home or by a caretaker, give us a call. We will go over the details and get them the legal help they deserve.

There is NO FEE unless WE WIN!

Signs of Nursing Home Neglect

Nursing home negligence by caretakers is a serious and often under-reported issue. Unfortunately, many elderly abuse victims are unable to speak up for themselves. When caretakers are not held responsible, the lack of consequence often leads to systemic negligence.

If you visit a loved one in a nursing home and are concerned about their potential mistreatment, please pay attention to the following signs of abuse:

  • Changes in personality, such as depression or timidness
  • Appearance of bruises and abrasions
  • Onset of weight loss
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Torn or blood-stained clothing

Nursing Home Negligence Services

Bed Sores



Physical Abuse

Sexual Abuse

Wandering Off

Reno’s Trusted Personal Injury Lawyer

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Formerly of the firm Galloway & Jensen, Bob Jensen has launched Jensen Personal Injury Law to continue to serve clients.
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